Two weeks at Kamp Kolman

June 23 2023 We’ve settled in at Kamp Kolman, while we are just parked in the driveway it is quite a nice campsite. The most prominent feature is on one side we are bordering a national forest, it’s a fantastic view. On the other side as the driveway angles down from the street it descends a good 15 feet or more, the bank between us and the street is covered in pine and scrub oak trees. We have more privacy than in most campgrounds. Can you see the Camper? We have water and electric, I installed a 30 amp receptacle on one of our previous visits. On this trip I brought a macerator pump and a custom backwash manifold I made and we can now empty holding tanks into the sewer cleanout which is right outside the RV. We are no longer constrained by the capacity of the holding tanks and can now stay as long as the family can put up with us! Lol. Looking towards the National Forest We have been doing family things and have already been to Wecks, the family favorite restaurant i...