Raccoon Branch continued

Monday May 22 2023 Today we visited Millie’s sister Betty and her husband Paul, who live just outside the village of Konorock. I had previously offered to repair two of the burners on their kitchen stove. I had ordered the parts online and had them shipped to their home. I replaced the temperature control rheostats on the two malfunctioning burners, checked the burner elements for shorts and correct resistance and called the job done. Old electricians are like Marines, once an electrician, always an electrician! The Pedigo home As a bonus today I also got to troubleshoot and repair the water heater in the travel trailer. I guess I’m just one of those people who are happiest when I’m doing something. Hiking trails at Raccoon Branch Back at the campground in the Jefferson National Forest this afternoon Millie and I hiked the Dickey Knob trail. We hiked 1.5 miles all uphill on switch backs around connected mountains, each taking us higher. At 1.5 miles, according to the pedometer on...