The Tams

The Tams was a popular Beach Band that played the dance halls and shag clubs in the south back in the 1960’s. They did have a few records that charted, two of the more successful hits were “Be young, be foolish and be happy” and “What kind of fool do you think I am” They took their name from the wide flat beret style hats they wore onstage. The name dates back to a poem written in 1700’s about a happy go lucky Scottish lad named Tam O’Shanter. The original Tams are long gone but their memory is supposed to be living on in a tribute group. There are actually two tribute groups that tour under the Tams moniker. Both claim some heritage to the originals. The version we saw in the Newberry SC Opera House is fronted by a guy who goes by “Little Red” He is the son of longtime member Charles Pope and the nephew of group co-founder Joe Pope. Picture I took at the show We were looking forward to an evening of rock and roll songs performed in harmony, sharp outfits and coordinated dan...